Review of Inside Out 2: Our Take on the Long Anticipated Sequel

Written by: Travis

July 18, 2024

When Inside Out first graced the silver screen in 2015, it captivated audiences with its innovative portrayal of the emotional complexities within a young girl’s mind. Now, the highly anticipated sequel, Inside Out 2, promises to dive even deeper into the psychological landscapes that define us. With its vibrant animation and a fresh set of emotional characters, the film aims to explore new facets of human feelings and the intricate ways they manifest in our daily lives.

As viewers once again journey into the colorful, inner world of Riley, now a teenager navigating the trials of adolescence, the stakes are higher, and the emotions are more complex. This review will delve into how Inside Out 2 builds on its predecessor’s legacy, examining the creativity of its plot, the depth of its characters, and its potential impact on both young and older audiences. Join us as we unpack the layers of this compelling sequel and determine whether it lives up to the soaring expectations set by its beloved original.


Inside Out 2 brings a variety of intriguing features that enhance both its visual appeal and auditory experience. Each element is crafted to deepen the emotional resonance and enrich the storytelling.

Animation Quality

Inside Out 2 showcases exemplary animation quality that elevates the film to new heights. The utilization of advanced rendering techniques is evident, as the film features more nuanced expressions and intricate character animations than its predecessor. The textures and colors are vibrant, designed to reflect the complex emotions of Riley as she navigates her teenage years. Notably, the depiction of abstract concepts like thought processes and dream sequences are both innovative and visually stunning, making full use of modern animation technology to create a fluid, immersive experience.


Inside Out 2 excels in several key areas that make it a worthy successor to its beloved predecessor. First and foremost, the animation quality in Inside Out 2 is nothing short of spectacular. The filmmakers have leveraged state-of-the-art rendering technologies to bring to life the complex world of human emotions with even greater detail and vibrancy. Every frame is a visual treat, capturing the subtle nuances of the characters’ expressions and movements that resonate deeply with the audience.

Another significant strength of the film is its voice acting. The original cast returns with renewed depth, bringing authenticity and warmth to their roles. This consistency in voice performance not only provides a sense of familiarity but also enhances the emotional connection viewers have with the characters. Additionally, the introduction of new characters adds freshness to the narrative, with the new voice actors delivering compelling performances that blend seamlessly with the established ensemble.

Furthermore, the soundtrack of Inside Out 2 deserves special mention. It masterfully mirrors the emotional stakes of the narrative, shifting fluidly between light-heartedness and intensity. This dynamic range in music not only enriches the viewing experience but also amplifies the emotional resonance of key scenes, making them even more impactful.

Narratively, Inside Out 2 pushes creative boundaries by exploring more complex emotions and interpersonal dynamics, reflecting the protagonist Riley’s teenage years. This progression introduces new themes and challenges that are both relatable and thought-provoking, offering audiences a deeper and more engaging storyline than its predecessor.

Lastly, the film’s ability to educate and provoke thought about emotional intelligence and mental health through its storytelling is both impactful and essential. By diving into intricate emotions and their interplay, Inside Out 2 provides valuable insights that are applicable to both children and adults, making it an educational tool as much as it is a source of entertainment.


While “Inside Out 2” offers a multitude of enhancements and deeper exploration into complex emotions, there are several aspects where it may falter, affecting overall viewer satisfaction. Below are key drawbacks observed in the sequel.

Firstly, the heightened complexity of emotions and situations could possibly alienate younger viewers. The sequel, set during Riley’s teenage years, delves into more mature themes that might be hard for younger children to fully comprehend. This shift could dampen the universal appeal that the original film held.

Secondly, with the introduction of new characters, some fans might feel that there’s an imbalance in character development. The original beloved characters may not receive as much screen time or development as the newcomers, which could disappoint long-time fans who were hoping to see more of their favorite characters evolve.

Furthermore, the pacing of the film might come off as uneven due to its ambitious attempt to cover a wider range of emotions and scenarios. Some viewers might find the narrative transitions between the various emotional realms too swift or abrupt, potentially leading to a jarring experience rather than a smooth emotional journey.

Lastly, the educational element, while beneficial to some, might be perceived as overly didactic. The attempt to weave lessons about mental health and emotional intelligence into the storyline could feel forced to certain audience members, impacting their immersion and enjoyment of the film.

These factors, while they might detract from the experience for some, indicate the challenges inherent in creating a sequel that aims to expand profoundly on its original premise.


Inside Out 2 dives deeper into the emotional rollercoaster of adolescence, challenging its characters and viewers alike with more intricate emotional dynamics and moral complexities. This section evaluates how effectively the film resonates on an emotional level and maintains narrative cohesion amidst its ambitious scope.

Emotional Impact

Inside Out 2 makes a bold attempt to navigate the often tumultuous emotional landscape of teenage years through its enhanced emotional palette. This sequel introduces layers of subtlety and complexity not only in its primary characters but also through the new emotional characters that represent more mature feelings like empathy, guilt, and perseverance. These additions have been met with mixed reactions. On one hand, they enrich the narrative by offering a more realistic portrayal of the emotional breadth that teenagers experience. Viewers have found these portrayals to be profoundly relatable, particularly those who have navigated similar personal transformations. On the other hand, some younger viewers may find these complex emotions difficult to understand, thus slightly diminishing the character’s instant relatability compared to the original film.

Pacing and Narrative Flow

The pacing of Inside Out 2 is another area of concern highlighted by both critics and fans. The film takes on the ambitious task of covering an expansive emotional spectrum, which occasionally leads to a disjointed narrative flow. Some viewers have pointed out that the inclusion of numerous new characters and subplots sometimes results in a muddled storyline, where transitions between scenes and emotional beats can feel abrupt or forced. This could potentially distract from the central narrative and disrupt the viewer’s engagement with the story. However, it’s also worth noting that others appreciate the fast pace and dynamic shifts, as it mirrors the unpredictable nature of teenage emotional experiences. The film’s efforts to balance these elements are evident, but achieving a harmonious flow remains a challenge that occasionally impacts its overall coherence.


In evaluating “Inside Out 2”, it is crucial to juxtapose it with its predecessor as well as other films in the animated genre to gauge its evolution and positioning within the market.

Inside Out Original vs Inside Out 2

“Inside Out”, released in 2015, set a high benchmark in animation by vividly exploring the emotional spectrum through personified emotions within a young girl named Riley. The original film was praised for its innovative approach and deep emotional impact, appealing to both children and adults. “Inside Out 2”, while retaining the core concept, shifts its focus to Riley’s teenage years, introducing more complex emotions such as empathy and guilt.

The sequel attempts to dive deeper into psychological concepts, which, while educational, may not resonate as effortlessly with younger audiences as the original did. The narrative complexity has increased, with multiple new characters and subplots that some critics feel slightly dilute the poignant, focused storytelling of the first film. However, the animation quality and voice performances continue to impress, maintaining the vibrant and expressive style that fans loved in the original.

Alternatives in the Animated Film Genre

When considering alternatives within the animated film genre, films such as “Toy Story 4” and “Frozen II” provide interesting comparisons. These sequels also faced the challenge of living up to beloved originals. “Toy Story 4” was largely successful in maintaining emotional depth and character development, offering a satisfying closure to Woody’s story. On the other hand, “Frozen II” explored darker themes and matured with its audience, somewhat akin to “Inside Out 2”.

However, unlike “Inside Out 2”, both “Toy Story 4” and “Frozen II” managed to balance the introduction of new characters and themes without overwhelming the original storyline’s simplicity and charm. This balance helps in retaining the universal appeal that made their first films hits, a challenge “Inside Out 2” navigates with varying degrees of success. By comparing these films, it becomes evident that while “Inside Out 2” pushes boundaries in thematic complexity, it might benefit from a careful blending of new elements with the straightforward emotional narrative that its predecessor handled so well.

User Experience

Inside Out 2, while navigating complex emotional terrains, strives to deliver an engaging experience to viewers of all ages. This section delves into the film’s watchability and its suitability for family viewing, critical aspects that determine its overall appeal.


Inside Out 2 maintains a captivating storyline despite its deeper psychological themes, which could potentially make it less relatable for younger audiences. The film cleverly interweaves the emotional struggles of teenage Riley with vibrant and imaginative visuals, ensuring that the narrative remains accessible. However, the introduction of more nuanced emotions such as empathy and guilt, while educational, might require some viewers to exert more cognitive effort to fully grasp the implications of each scenario. The pacing is expertly managed, with comedic and light-hearted moments balancing the more serious undertones, which helps maintain viewer engagement throughout.

Family Friendliness

A key strength of Inside Out 2 is its ability to resonate with multiple age groups. This sequel, much like its predecessor, offers layers of understanding that cater to both adults and children. For younger viewers, the colorful animation and dynamic character interactions provide ample entertainment. Parents and older viewers will appreciate the subtle references to psychological theories and the realistic depiction of emotional development in adolescents. However, the complexity of newer characters and emotions introduced in this sequel may require parental guidance to help younger children grasp the full context. Overall, the film remains a commendable family-friendly movie that opens up conversations about feelings and mental well-being in an approachable manner.


Inside Out 2 is a must-watch that successfully extends the emotional landscape of its predecessor into the tumultuous terrain of adolescence. While it introduces more complex themes that might challenge some of its younger audience it never loses the charm and intelligence that made the first film a beloved classic. With its high-quality animation and stellar voice performances this sequel not only entertains but also educates fostering discussions on emotional and mental health. Whether you’re revisiting these characters as an adult or introducing them to the next generation Inside Out 2 delivers a thoughtful engaging experience for viewers of all ages.