Star Trek’s Legacy: How the Franchise Has Influenced Popular Culture

Written by: Travis

May 23, 2023


For over five decades, Star Trek has been a cornerstone of popular culture, inspiring and entertaining millions of fans around the world. From its iconic characters to its visionary science fiction concepts, the franchise has left an indelible mark on our collective imagination. In this article, we will explore Star Trek’s legacy and how it has influenced popular culture.

History of Star Trek

The original Star Trek television series premiered in 1966 and ran for three seasons. Despite its initial low ratings, the show gained a cult following and became a cultural phenomenon in the years that followed. The show was created by Gene Roddenberry, who envisioned a future where humanity had overcome its differences and worked together to explore the galaxy.

The show’s pioneering and highly varied cast, along with its forward-thinking themes that championed racial justice and social equity, were nothing short of revolutionary for the period in which it was broadcasted. Moreover, Star Trek opened up a vast array of science fiction concepts that have since become fundamental to the genre; such as teleportation, warp drive and other futuristic technologies.

Star Trek’s Influence on Popular Culture

Star Trek’s impact on popular culture cannot be overstated. It has inspired countless spin-offs, including multiple television series and films, as well as books, comics, and video games. The franchise has also influenced many real-world technologies, such as the design of cell phones and medical devices.

One of the most significant ways that Star Trek has influenced popular culture is through its portrayal of diversity and inclusivity. The show’s multi-ethnic cast and progressive themes have inspired generations of fans and creators to promote equality and representation in media.

In the original series, Uhura, played by Nichelle Nichols, was one of the first Black female characters on television to have a significant role that wasn’t a stereotype or caricature. The character’s portrayal helped to inspire a new generation of Black actors, including Whoopi Goldberg, who credited her decision to pursue acting to seeing Uhura on television.

Similarly, Star Trek’s portrayal of LGBT characters, such as the first on-screen kiss between two men in Star Trek: Discovery, has been praised for its inclusivity and representation of marginalized communities. The show’s progressive themes continue to inspire and resonate with fans and creators today.

Another key aspect of Star Trek’s legacy is its influence on science fiction storytelling. The show’s exploration of new worlds and civilizations, as well as its exploration of complex ethical and philosophical questions, has set a standard for sci-fi storytelling that continues to be emulated to this day.

Many science fiction works, such as Battlestar Galactica and The Expanse, have been inspired by Star Trek’s themes and concepts. The franchise has also influenced the work of many filmmakers and writers outside of the sci-fi genre, such as J.J. Abrams, who directed the 2009 Star Trek reboot film.

Star Trek’s cultural impact extends beyond media and entertainment. The franchise has also influenced many real-world technologies and innovations. For example, the design of the first cell phone was inspired by the flip communicators used in the original series. The medical tricorder, a handheld medical diagnostic device, was also inspired by Star Trek’s medical tricorder.

The iconic science fiction franchise Star Trek has had an immense influence on both science and technology, extending far beyond the realm of consumer devices. NASA has even acknowledged its impact, citing it as a source of creative inspiration for numerous projects including the development of their space shuttle program and the naming of the first spacecraft to be part of that program – The Enterprise.

Star Trek’s impact on popular culture has also been recognized in academia. The franchise has been the subject of many scholarly articles, books, and courses, exploring its themes and its influence on popular culture and society. In 2016, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. opened an exhibit on the franchise titled “Star Trek: Inspiring Culture and Technology.”


In conclusion, Star Trek’s legacy is a testament to the power of imagination and storytelling. The franchise has inspired and influenced generations of fans and creators, from its groundbreaking themes of diversity and inclusivity to its visionary science fiction concepts. Star Trek has left an indelible mark on popular culture, not just in entertainment, but in science and technology as well.

As the franchise continues to evolve and expand with new series, films, and other media, it will undoubtedly continue to inspire and influence audiences around the world. Star Trek’s message of hope and optimism for the future, where humanity can work together to overcome its differences and explore the unknown, is more relevant today than ever before.

Through its visionary storytelling and groundbreaking themes, Star Trek has shown us what we can aspire to be as a society. It has encouraged us to embrace diversity and inclusivity, to strive for social justice and equality, and to explore the frontiers of science and technology. For these reasons and many more, Star Trek will always be remembered as one of the most influential and beloved franchises in popular culture.